Friday, June 22, 2007

Certification Changes and Updates

A look at the changes to a number of vendors certification entries is posted on UnixReview and can be found at: Those vendors dicussed include: Cisco, CISSP, CompTIA, LPI, Microsoft, Novell, and Red Hat.


Linux Users and Groups

If there is one thing that all Linux administrators deal with on a regular basis, it is users and groups. If there is one topic that you should know inside and out, it is users and groups. That said, 50 questions intended to test your knowledge of user and group fundamentals at an intermediate level (with answers are at the end of the article) are now posted on UnixReview and can be found at:


A look at Moodle

A look at Open Source at is best is now posted on CertCities and can be found at If you've taken classes at a university recently, the odds are good that there was an online component to it. The odds are also good that said course was administered through proprietary software known as a Course (or Learning) Management System (CMS/LMS) such as WebCT, Blackboard or Scholar360. Such software is expensive for universities, and not as flexible as many would like. Enter Moodle.